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Hi All,
I'm trying to add pbo/pbo number to the notification email that is sent to responsible Role when triggered by an assigned activity deadline (missed). I can see the notification robots have a drop down where you can select which template to use (and I assume add your own if you needed/wanted to).I can also see (and like) the ability to insert process variables such as pbowhen notification robots are used.
I don't seewhattemplate is being used when the notification is triggered from within the assigned activity (as described above) and there is no place to addanything, like a pbo link. Problem is when users get this email,they can see that something that should have happened has not happened, but have no idea what.Those in a Role responsible for missed deadlines are not exactly inclined to start sifting through (Change Requests in this case) all possible events that should have occurred. One such user has requested that I include a link to the subject object -but so far I can't find it... please help!
additional info - 9.1 M050
Thanks Steve, I'm always happy to get another snippet to add to the toolbox and I have been able to do similar things but not with the overdue action process notification. I'm going to have to go the route of PTC Tech support to find out which template is being used.
Just last week I was looking into the same topic in 9.0, as the generic emails when deadlines are missed really dont contain any usefull information. Having at least the PBO in the email would be usefull. Be interested if anyone has a solution for this.
For anyone that is interested here is an update as to how this plays out...
I am told that SPR 2060827 will resolve in Windchill 10 (safe to assume a maintenance release at this point). No known workaround for 9.1 or earlier.
Until then I have un-enabled the "Deadline Passed Due" Notification that is embedded in WF Assigned Activity. It may actually be more effective to build a report to run regularly and publish on a wall of fame and/or shame than to clog up emails, so I'm going to look at those kinds of possibilities. Ultimately, everything is there in an individual users Home > Assignments Page, the problem is motivating timely participation. Objective and transparent performance metrics are one heckuva motivator.