I need to disable a particular action of a particular part name using configuration.
are you able to do it?
I also want to do a similar thing...
for example if my state is release I want to remove create change notice action on parts...
You should use Validator for managing action availability.
You can read about it in "Validation Logic for Actions" in help center.
you can use filter if your logic to hide is generic and applies for other actions too.
Add line below in your action tag.
<includeFilter name="<filter name>"/>
Also register the filter in enterprise.service.properties file
<Property name="wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.ui.validation.SimpleValidationFilter/<filter name>/null/0" overridable="true" targetFile="codebase/com/ptc/windchill/enterprise/enterprise.service.properties" value="<full qualified name for filter class>/duplicate"/>
you can get more information in PTC customizer guide.