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I have Installed WC12.1 , I started Method server, HTTP Server and Installed WDS 11.2 and start DS as well.. but in the Log file i see this warning " WARN [main] wt.manager.ServerLauncher - Starting wt.cache.MasterCacheMonitor" ( Attached log for reference)
unable to login to Windchill home page and method server doesnt start further. I updated host file with IP Address full domain name name.
could you please help me with solution.
Please see if below articles help you. Issue could be in DB.
Thanks for the reply,
I checked, wt.pom.jdbc.port, wt.pom.jdbc.service all are pointed correctly,
Host file is also update correctly. - ipaddress
I was able to login to db with SSMS
any other fixes.
If anything is not working , please open a support call with PTC.
PTC support person will take a look.
Having a similar issue here ... could you get this already resolved?
Ok, we had a wrong host name in and fixing this resolved the issue.