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Painting Features in a Part File


Painting Features in a Part File

Hello all,

Sorry to post what is probably an elementary question, I am new to Pro Engineer (I've only been using it for a little over a month now) and my problem is this:

I have a part file with multiple revolve features in it that are stacked on top of each other. So basically, if you imagine it similar to maybe a stack of washers... the top of the 2nd revolve is directly contacting the bottom of the 1st revolve, and the top of the 3rd revolve is directly contacting the bottom of the 2nd revolve, etc etc. I want to paint each individual revolve a different color so if you look at a cross section you clearly see the stack up (right now it just looks like a solid grey piece.) However, when I go to paint the surfaces, it acts as if all the different revolves stacked on top of each other are one solid piece and it paints one side of the entire stack up instead of just the one revolve I want. It doesn't seem to allow me to click the feature in the model tree in order to paint the whole feature at once, and if I change the selection method in the top right from "all" to "part" it again acts as if the whole thing is one part instead of many stacked features.

I also tried suppressing all the features but one in order to change the appearances one at a time, but when I paint the remaining feature and restore the suppressed features they are painted too.

Also, I know that it is possible in an assembly file... is it possible in a part file too?

This is driving me nuts!

I'm sure their must be a simple way to do this!

Thanks for your help!


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23-Emerald III

Is the stack made up of different parts, or are they several instances of the same part?

23-Emerald III

Also, take a look at this thread (you may have to copy and paste):

Thanks, Dale

23-Emerald III

or Check your original post at

Where I answered your question already here it is on this site


I think I know what you're getting at.

You've broken down a long shaft part into smaller sections so you don't have a single Monster Sized revolve feature. I've done so in the past and a few inside the box people couldn't fathom that choice. Obviously they never had to deal with laborious large sketches in ProE.

Well getting to the method you can use to achieve what you are looking to do.

while in the Part Color tool - select the flyout to apply color and when promted to select something to color hit ^F or CTRL+F and you will get the search tool Finder the Binocular looking icon linked below because Google Photos images decided to no longer show or use extensions for images and the [img photolink fails.

Search Filter - AKA Finder Tool

Once you get the finder open make sure the [Options] Button has "Build Query" checked on

Doing so will give you 5 buttons to [Add New] [Remove] [Update] [Move Up] [Move Down] list

The finder tool allows you to paint the surfaces involved in each of your surfaces a different color. In Proe Creo PTCsNextCADdesignation. Color can be applied to the entire solid model [Part] color is the first thing set and all features will be painted that color when made. After that in the higherarchy comes Feature color which can be applied by coloring all the Faces of your feature.

For Second criteria use Feanture by Type and select revolution or just Feat.ID or Number

to make your life easier you can display Feat # and ID in your Model Tree to help out.

You can use a variety of search criteria or just one.

If you want a base color you can search for Solid Geometry using the All (radio-button)found on the history tab [History] tab or Right Click with Geometry in selection filter and select All Solid Surfaces.

Surfaces: can be classified as individual faces on a solid or one of the patches on a

Quilt(continuous surface body connected surface)

Filter Rule Summary

Then to color your features use. -See Image linked above

Look for: Surface

Look by: Feature


Rule: Type

1 Comparison: is equal to

2 Category: Creation Method

3 Value: Revolved

or you can use the following to include extrudes and other sketch based features.

2 Category: All

3 Value: Protrusion

Give a look at the possible search by optihns to learn more I hope this will make your task easier to accomplish.

Search By





If you'd like me to make a FAQ about this on the site let me know in response to this post.


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Staggered keyboards are not ergonomic!

Message was edited by: michael cole Originally created this response by myself and posted on website listed in response

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