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We are upgrading from Creo 2.0 to Creo 3.0 with that we are re-using the AFX (EFX) profiles we created for Creo 2.0.
In Creo 3.0 there is an option to 'Assemble the profile along a bend curve', but how do we have to modify the current profile templates to be able to use that feature?
Kind regards.
Hi Cor Huisman,
FYI: the option to assemble along bend curve is also available in Creo 2.
If you want to use custom beams also as bend beams then you will have to create bend versions of your custom beams as well.
For that matter go into the folder afx/parts/bend_profiles/ and copy an existing bend beam, modify it to your needs and put it in the library.
e.g. In the library you have your custom elements in folder
Then you will need also a bend version in the folder
greetings Sam
Thank you, I'm going to try this out upcoming week!
Hi everyone,
also kinda important: parts must end in beam.prt - beam.prt.1 does not work (Placement Option for bend curve is not available).
Hi Samuel,
I'm struggling with the same as @chuisman-2. I've created custom profiles myself. They work fine, but I can't select the button "assemble profile on bend curve". But if I use a profile from the standard profiles provide by PTC, I can create profiles along a bend curve.
My custom profiles are copies of the standard profiles, with some additional parameters & relations. I've also made sure that the parts are like profile.prt (instead of profile.prt.1) as @mschubert-2 suggested, but that doesn't help either. What I also notice if I look inside standard PTC profiles when they are used in my framework, is that if they are placed along a straight curve, that the base feature is a protrusion and if they are placed along a bend curve, that the base feature is a swept protrusion.
I'm on Creo
Can you help trying to solve this?
Best regards,
Cor Boerman
Buhler Mixing Systems Almere-NL
Hi Cor,
just to be sure - did you copy your profiles from the "bend_profiles" folder?
Regards, Michael
Hi Michael,
No I didn't do that. But now I see this folder! Thanks for pointing me out!
I'm gonna try to copy/add my profile into this folder.
Hi Michael,
Yes, it now works fine! Thanks for pointing me out to the right direction.
Great 🙂
Good to know the tip was useful and helped to resolve the issue.