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Just upgraded from wildfire 5.0 to Cero 3.0
We use windows folders and search paths to load parts into assemblies
I noticed this process takes 2-3 longer using Cero 3.0.
Does anyone know why?
Does it have to do with the automatic part regeneration each time I open an assembly file?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The data structure updating to Creo3 would account for somne of that.
Do a test. Save an assembly that you know is in WF5 in Creo3 in a different directory structure. Set your search paths to this test structure and then reopen the assembly.
If it is opening back at the WF5 speed it is data restructuring time. If the time is tioll slower, look at the search paths and see if they can be simplified. Being on PDMLink, I can't control the paths.
Did Ben's comment lead you in the right direction?
Also note that until a file is saved in a new release, the data structure of each file will remain that of the previous release build and performance difference can be observed. You can determine the build that any given part was last saved in by opening the part in a text editor (e.g. Notepad). There will be a Header Line stating something like "#Creo TM 3.0 (c) 2015 by PTC Inc. All Rights Reserved. M020."
After saving the file in the new release, the file structure will be updated and this should no longer be an issue.
Let us know what you find.