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I'm still on Wildfire3 and am trying to add balloons to items on a multiple sheet drawing detailing a complex assembly. On sheet 1 I have the general external views of the product and an exploded view. On sheet 2 I have an internal view. There are items such as washers which are used on the outside of the product and on the inside so need to be shown on views on both sheet 1 and sheet 2.
My problem is that I can't get the quantities to show the correct amounts on sheet 1 so that I can use the remainder on sheet 2. There is always a balloon on sheet 1 that has the intended quantity plus the ones I want to indicate on sheet 2. This causes the problem that when I try to add the ballon and quantity on sheet 2 it asks me to select a balloon to take the quantity from but you can't change sheets to get at the balloon on sheet 1.
I have even tried to delete the baloon on sheet 1 that has the excess quantity on it and then re-add the ballon which gives me the option to specifiy the quantity. This should leave me with a remainder to then switch to sheet 2 and use, but I them find that by magic one of the other balloons on sheet 1 that has the same index has alraeady had its quantiy increased and I'm back to square one.
When you want to swap items from a view on one sheet to a view on another you use the 'Window' > 'New' at the top of the screen, it will prompt you for which sheet you want opening in the new window, position them on your monitor and then you have sheet 2 in one window and sheet 1 of the same drawing in t'other, but with both being 'Active'
Split your quantity balloons on sheet 1 and then use 'Move item to View' pick the balloon you want to move to sheet 2 and select the item on sheet 2 to attach to.
(I am on WF4 but I am sure I used to do this pre-Wildfire so it should be in 3)