Hello all; The need to remedy some bending issues has come up recently in my office. We have had troubles relating ProE models to real life, as sometimes bent parts that have multiple bends and holes do not align properly with the parts they bolt to. We have been talking with our suppliers, and they have told us that there is a "k" factor, or a "bend gain" that must be accounted for when having multiple bends in sheetmetal. We currently have an incomplete table of bend gains that are based on both the thickness of the material, and the width of the die used to bend the metal. My question is, if anyone else has run into this problem, how do I use ProE's Sheetmetal application properly to reflect what I need in real life, or, does anyone know of a complete and reliable "k factor" or "bend gain" table? In my experience so far with sheetmetal, it seems to be a trial and error process. Any insight into this issue would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Phil
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