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Hi Everyone,
When ModelCHECK is run on an assembly on "All Levels" the following files are generated for the top level assembly:
<asm name=">.a.alld.html
<asm name=">.a.alld.js
<asm name=">.a.alld.xml
<asm name=">.a.dabom.html
<asm name=">.a.dabom.xml
<asm name=">.a.datmp.tmp
<asm name=">.a.dsumm.html
<asm name=">.a.dsumm.xml
<asm name=">.a.html
<asm name=">.a.js
<asm name=">.a.xml
However; the link for "asm models" in the upper right of the HTML report links to the <asm name=">.a.abom.html. This file does not exist! I have fixed this issue by correcting two java script files that generate that link to link to the <asm name=">.a.dabom.html.
mctopban.js (Line 81): asmBomStr = asmMdl + '.a.dabom.html' ;
mcprntopban.js (Line 52): asmBomStr = asmMdl + '.a.dabom.html' ;
Is ModelCHECK failing to produce the <asm name=">.a.abom.html file or should the link really point to the <asm name=">.a.dabom.html file?
WF 4.0 M130
Patrick Williams
Sr. Systems Engineer II
Mechanical Engineering Solutions
Missile Systems
Raytheon Company
+1 520.545.6995(business)
+1 520.545.6399(fax)
6221 S Palo Verde Rd
Tucson, AZ 85706USA