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Having downloaded Creo Elements Direct Modeling Express, created an account and installed the software, nothing happens when I start the programme. I expected to see an activation screen, but nothing happens except a few brief whirrs from the hard drive.
I have an active internet connection.
Anti-virus program is turned off.
I'm running Windows XP SP3, any ideas?
Might the following thread helps ....
Assuming that the version is Creo Elements/Direct Express 4.0 - the newest version.
is there any warning about olape?
The permissions in regedit are ok.
No warnings at all. Simply does not work and i don't know why.
how old is that machine? We have seen - with Modeling PE 3.0 - that some of the older machines (CPU) are causing trouble when starting. And is this PE 3.0 or 4.0?
I am having the same problem, Creo elements direct modeling does not start at all. I can see the process SolidDesigner.exe and/or SD.exe in the taskmanager for few seconds, but then they disappear and nothing happens.
Using Windows XP Professional SP3
+ using ESET antivir, but tried also to turn it off and still it is the same.
I tried also to modify registry as mentioned in the linked thread above, but still no change.
Did anybody find the solution?
I might suggest re-installing the application. Maybe something changed in your license application or a file has become corrupted.
For what it's worth, mine is still booting.
Thanks for the answer.
I tried it several times and I also downloaded CoCreate 3.0, which was the previous version and the result is always the same.
Has anything changed recently?
Are you using the Express version, or the licensed version?
I have had a wireless lan update change my registry causing havoc with my license. I had to change the priority order of the network cards in the windows registry to get it to behave.
Registry information is in this post:
I am just installing it first time, and I cannot even get to the licensing screen as the program does not start.
In that case, I would recommend contacting the PTC support group. You might have an incompatibility in your system. I have run Elements 4.0 Express on a couple of computers without issues so this is a mystery. One is on Windows 7 Pro and one on Windows 7 Home