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I'm using Creo3 with Windchill 10 and I'm trying to copy an assembly some of it's parts with new names and all related drawings. With Creo2 I would go thru the rename in session and it would allow me to do this. Raname is still listed but it will not let me grab the related drawings to the parts within the assembly. any help or detail instructions would be greatly appreciated.
,try following:
- CHECK OUT (download) desire assembly into your workspace
- make sure you have "collected all related files" (don´t have WCH, can´t pass icon picture) --- it´s a small drawing picture with green plus (l think )
- SAVE AS new assembly and make desired changes
- CHECK IN old assembly
- CHECK IN new assembly (with new number)
Personaly don´t like rename in Windchil due following reasons:
Manualnumbering VS Autonumbering
Not sure,if it really helps, but try it