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I'm having issues importing my cloud point into creo as a facet, i can import all the points fine. However i have no option to wrap the points to create a model.
i had to tidy up my point cloud a bit as it was an .obj, so went into excel, seperated out the points and deleted the V colum and the Q rows.
# Qualify |
g Point_Model_1 |
v -145.9220052 76.7554790 598.2237458 |
p 1 |
v -145.7629651 76.7555088 601.8040776 |
p 2 |
v -145.0369358 76.7610520 627.7469993 |
p 3 |
v -145.3416944 76.7615512 609.2011333 |
p 4 |
v -146.2063491 76.7616183 593.3958888 |
p 5 |
-145.922 | 76.75548 | 598.2237 |
-145.763 | 76.75551 | 601.8041 |
-145.037 | 76.76105 | 627.747 |
-145.342 | 76.76155 | 609.2011 |
-146.206 | 76.76162 | 593.3959 |
saved that as a .pts and then went to import. points go in fine, but all the tutorials come up with an option to wrap before you confirm everything. i can set it to import as a facet and it comes up with nothing and just leaves it as just the points.
any ideas as to how to fix this?
Annoyingly enough, a reverse engineering extension (REX) is necessary for that to work.