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Does anyone have a list (or better yet know where PTC has a published list) of Creo Parametric 2.0's analysis features and if possible their capabilities within the design process? Particually those geometrically based tools but a complete list would be even better.
Thank you!
Welcome to the forum Peter. Here's a list I've compiled quickly using the Creo interface and help. Keep in mind that the types of analyses that are available depend on your context and license(s). I added descriptions to the types that I think you are interested in.
Geometry Analyses (curves and surfaces)
Measures (dimensions, mass, volume, etc.)
Other Tools
Sketcher Analyses
Simulate (high level list)
Other analyses that aren't available to me at the moment include mold and plastic analyses. Perhaps others can chime in on any that I've missed.
Thank you so much Eric! That was a fantastic help!
I come back a little on a subject already discussed, but in Creo 3, measures the characteristics of a piece is it possible now to finally see the center of gravity of this piece.
Of course, with each change of the piece it will recalculate and position of the center of gravity.
Kind regards.
Under "Measure", you list the following as an analysis feature:
"Transform Generates a file containing the values of the transformational matrix between two coordinate systems on a specified part."
Is it possible to use this same idea on the assembly level? What I'm trying to do is eventually create a parameter in every part in the assmebly that contains the coordinate transform data from the locational csys of that component to the master csys of the assembly. In order to do this, I'm assuming I'll need some sort of csys transform analysis feature that calculates that distance automatically, but I'm not sure if this sort of feature is possible.
Each component's locational coordinate system is already referenced to the assembly master csys, so all I need to do is automate the essence use the csys transform measurement as a parameter so that if the component ever moves location, the parameter will update automatically with the new XYZ dimenional values.
Any help on whether this is possible and if so how to accomplish it would be fantastic.
this is a little bit off-topic, as its a specific use case, when the original topic was about a list of capabilities.
Anyway, I understand you already have a csys in each component, which represents the assembly csys.
Unfortunately it seems transform analysis cannot be saved as feature, which is required to have it update automatically in your model.
But as a workaround you can measure distance from the reference csys, using ref csys also as projection reference.
This will generate measures for the X, Y and Z offset of any point you select and the distance analysis can be saved as a feature (Make Feature).
If you create a point in the origin of the "location csys", you will get parameters for the translation between the two csys.
For the rotational transformation you will need a more sophisticated trick, for example:
(I may have mixed up the from and to csys in my description, but the basic principle works - I used it only a couple of days ago for a slightly different use case)