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Creo Cabling wire table updation


Creo Cabling wire table updation

Hello All,

We are facing an issue with Wire Tables in Creo Cabling.

I have the wire 'from to table' in which all the wires/conductors are named starting with "CH_" and the wire is CH_W001.

But we want to remove the starting letters from the wire names and wire name should be "W001" only.

I tried to rename the wires in the harness assembly itself; but in that case the connector table data disappears.

I also tried to apply FILTERS ( " != CH_* ) from table repeat region; but the wire table contents disappears.


@SO, please respond if anybody has any solution for this problem.

Thank you,


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Accepted Solutions

Hi Nitin,

If you are using individual wires and not a multi-conductor cable, try this approach...

In Spools, make sure your Name Format is W-###, (three hash-tags)

For each connector, verify the "[ ] Cabling Parameters".  You need to make sure the "Cable_Name" has wire identified for each Pin.  Example: Connector CH_C-08, Pin 2 should say W-002 and not CH_W002

In the drawing, on the repeat region, under "COND", make sure the parameter ends with "".

Good Luck...


View solution in original post


Hi Nitin,

Try this...while in cabling application, open your cable assembly.  Click on the Spools.  Edit the wires. A pop-up box will appear, change the Name_Format from CH_#  to  W#

See if that helps.



Thanks Lori for the feedback.

I tried to edit the spools as suggested. But, still facing the same issue.

After editing the spools, I had to rename the wires also as these are carrying the earlier names.

And then the issue repeats, table contents disappears.

Is there any filter which can resolve this.

Please suggest.




Hi Nitin,

If you are using individual wires and not a multi-conductor cable, try this approach...

In Spools, make sure your Name Format is W-###, (three hash-tags)

For each connector, verify the "[ ] Cabling Parameters".  You need to make sure the "Cable_Name" has wire identified for each Pin.  Example: Connector CH_C-08, Pin 2 should say W-002 and not CH_W002

In the drawing, on the repeat region, under "COND", make sure the parameter ends with "".

Good Luck...



It works fine..

Thanks Lori

21-Topaz I

The filter looks at each line and only displays those elements that do not start with CH_, Since all the visible entries start with "CH_" the filter removes all the visible entries.

You should be able to create a Repeat Region Parameter that equals the Wire name with the "CH_" trimmed off of it if you are just looking for the table to look like that.

Change the column header to rpt.rel.Repeat_region_parameter where Repeat_region_parameter is the name of the parameter you create in the Repeat Region Relations.


The following operators and functions are supported for strings:

== Compares strings as equal.

!=, <>, ~= Compares strings as unequal.

+ Concatenates strings.

string_length(parameter_name) returns the length in characters of the string contained by parameter_name

itos(int) Converts integers to strings. Here, int can be a number or an expression. Non-integers are rounded off.

search(string, substring) Searches for substrings. The resulting value is the position of the substring in the string (0 if not found).

extract(string, position, length) Extracts pieces of strings.

  • Probable error in function evaluation - This message is given when the EXTRACT function is used in Relations when the parameter length is greater than the parameter name to be extracted.

For example:

If param = abcdef, then:

flag = param == abcdef—returns TRUE
flag = abcdef != ghi—returns TRUE
new = param + ghi—new is abcdefghi
new = itos(10 + 7)—new is 17
new = param + itos(1.5)—new is abcdef2
where = search(param, bcd)—where is 2
where = search(param, bcd)—where is 0
new = extract(param,2,3)—new is bcd

Note: If you use the itos function on a parameter whose value is zero (0), the return value is an empty string.

Thanks David

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