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I have drawings with erased views on different sheets.
- How resume all (erased) views of current sheet only (without to select them one by one)?
When using Resume View > select all, Creo recognize there is views from other sheets but not able to resume only views of current sheet.
- How select erased views with a box not by pick them?
I don't know what version of Creo you're running, but I'm on 9.0.
When I have a particular sheet of the drawing open, the sidebar on the left lists all of the views on that sheet. I suppose you could unerase the views by picking them from that list? I haven't ever erased a view on a drawing - if I don't want a view to be visible I just move it outside the drawing format.
Select the views in the drawing tree, select the top, hold shift, select bottom, then RMB resume views