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Can anyone tell me how to import .Step file in creo as a solid part.
my step file is in AP_214 scheme and Creo using AP_203 scheme.
Pl. tell me how to change a scheme. and import step file
If you did a simple search, oh, I don't know, maybe with the phrase "Creo STEP File Formats" you would find a good deal of information about what's compatible, how to read them, etc.
You also neglected to tell people what version of Creo you are running (2, 3, 4, or 5?) I don't know if this has any bearing on what particular formats of STEP are okay, but it might.
If you want to import a STEP model that has AP 214 characteristics, then that model would have to have been exported as AP 214.
The AP scheme should not affect whether or not you can import it as a solid part though. Models frequently suffer from translation problems that prevent them from automatically solidifying. In those cases you have to manually fix them using the IDD command.
To use IDD:
The last step can be as simple as "activating" some surfaces and using the "repair" command. Or it can involve deleting imported surfaces, recreating them using Creo features, and merging everything back together.
Article - CS134024 describes which data exchange versions are supported in different versions of Creo.
Are you on Creo 3 perhaps?