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I am using Creo Parametric 3.0 M190
Sketch's DOT line style it looks straight on the screen, and you have to enlarge it to see it in DOT shape. Is there a way to see it in DOT shape on the screen?
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Translated by Hedy Jin, Jan 6th, 2022
I am using Creo Parametric 3.0 M190
Sketch 의 DOT 라인 스타이 화면상에서 직선 형태로 보이고 크게 확대 해야 DOT 형태로 보이는데 화면상에서 DOT 형태로 볼수 있는 방법이 있는지요?
Hello @성박
If my understanding is correct, you would like to control the Line Style of Centerlines created in Sketcher environment.
If you confim my above understanding:
I guess that OP is asking why dotted line in sketcher is displayed as solid line, when he zoom out sketched entities. To see dotted line he has to zoom in sketched entities. Because OP did not upload any picture, I am not sure...
Thanks for the reply.
I've attached a file, but it doesn't seem to have been delivered.
When creating drawings
On the original pc, the ‘dotfont’ line style below is displayed as a dotted line as shown below.
On the new pc, dontfont is shown as a ‘solid line’ as shown below.
We want 'dontfont' to be displayed as a dotted line as in the original PC.
추가 설명 드립니다.
화면을 확대 해서 보면 아래와 같이 보입니다.
( 현재 line_style 은 dotfont 입니다. )
그런데 다른 컴퓨터에 같은 화일을 열면 아래와 같이 'dotfont' 가 점선으로 잘 표시 됩니다.
(화면을 확대 해서 본 것이 아닙니다. )
현재 내 컴퓨터 에서는 아래와 같이 'dotfont'가 실선으로 보인다.
( 물론 확대 한 화면이 아니다)
결론적으로 나는 화면을 확대 하지 않아도 'dotfont'가 아래 그림 처럼 점선으 표시 될 길 원합니다.
Hello @성박
Oh I see. Seems to impact a note in a given drawing, do you confirm?
If so, this would help f you attach data (the drawing) to this post. Feel free to delete EVERYTHING, except the note, if drawing in original conditions contains confidential data.
I suspect 2 possible root causes:
Hope this helps as next step,
If still not, we suggest you to open a case to PTC Technical Support for further investigation.