Hello all,
I need to make some modification works on several assemblies (created by
someone else). The roblem is the huge number of geometric tolerances and
geo-tol datum tags. When I seach for datum plane tags, each time it returns
at least 4500 items. Therefore working is visually too hard.
To gather them all in a single layer;
? New layer
? Layer name/id etc...
? Include
? At ths step, I select all items (in the case datum plane tags) with
Ctrl+F option
However, since I am working with qn assembly file ProE asks for each
external item to
? Select or create a new layer in the external model (sub assembly or
(you may see the menu in the pic attached)
I don2t want to make this selection for thousands times, there must be an
easier way...
Does any one have a quick solution?
Kind regards,
(See attached file: Place External Items.jpg)
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