Hi all,
Is it possible to assign default legend values in the result window?
When looking at the stress results of an analysis, the highest legend value is by default set to the largest stress in the model. As this often occurs near a singularity, the biggest part of the model is dark blue. I usually change the min value to 0 and the max value to the yield stress.
I know I can use result templates. Is it also possible without a template by just changing the defaults?
I'm using Simulate 3.0.
Best regards,
In some industries all you deal with is standard steel of roughly 300MPa strength, and then it gets pretty tiresome to change the legend to the same values every time you look at results.
It would be really good to have this.
I hope someone will file an enhancement request so that we may hopefully get this fantastic feature in 3 years from now <sigh>.
Check out product IdeaCreo Simulate (Mechanica) Results - Persistent Legend Values Option
Which is would partly address the issue