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Detailed drawing boundaries (a spline is a terrible thing to waste)


Detailed drawing boundaries (a spline is a terrible thing to waste)

I can certainly appreciate that there might be situations in which I would want to exclude certain features in a detailed drawing, and having the option to use a spline to skate around such features is good.


Most of the time, I'd rather have the boundary of my detailed view be a circle proportionate to the size of the circle Creo Parametric 2.0 m010 generates from the spline I sketch. I really don't like using the spline as the boundary for my detailed view, it always comes out looking a little off. Since trying to use the sketcher tab drops me out of the view creation process, is there some way I can get the boundary of my detailed view to be a simple circle, scale-proportionate to the circle used to define the view?

I know I can always eyeball it with the sketch tool, but that gets tedious. There's an option to replace the spline in the home drawing with a few different options, but all I'm seeing for the actual detail view border is "off" and "on," and it always matches the spline. A lot of times a boundary on the detail is unnecessary and adds noise, but that depends on the configuration and complexity of the part. Also, there are speed concerns:

Most of the time, I'd rather use a circle than a spline to generate the view in the first place- a center-radius circle takes 2 mouse clicks to define and would eliminate the need to have a separate click to define the location in the main view. The minimum number of clicks would be three (view center, view radius, detail view location) instead of six+ (view center, four points minimum for a vaguely circular spline, view location), and it also looks very clean. Barring that, I'd rather be able to define a sketch than just draw a spline on the spot so I have better control over the borders.

I've been using the software for about six weeks, so it's possible I'm missing something really obvious, but the help center (surprise!) and Google (this actually was a surprise, Google usually finds me someone who had the same question I did only a month+ ago, usually with a helpful answer) have both failed me- is there any way to do any of this?

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23-Emerald III

I understand what you are saying. You may want to pose this as a suggestion rather than a discussion then it can get voted on and hopefully incorporated. At the least, they should give you the option of a spline or a simple geometric feature like a circle.



Hi, i share your preference for the circle. There is no way to get a circle (that i know of ) other than to cheat, i create the view with a spine, then sketch a 2d circle to the diameter required, then edit the boundary of the spline & trace around the 2d circle. Once finished, switch off the boundary, & relate the 2d circle to the drawing view, which can be done by selecting the 2d circle, RMB, relate to view, select the view. You can now move the view around & the 2d circle with move with it.



And why not add a lot of easier to use capabilities for trimming views like moving the boundaries to clip a view... and maybe even put in the clean zigzag -----/\/----- break lines.

I also suggest that section view clipping should follow arrow positions.

The results are doable, but the means lack a lot to be desired.

As long as PTC is ignoring 2D detailing enhancements, we won;t see anything mind-blowing in this regard, but it is a good thing to talk about.

For those of us (probably 90%) that both detail and model in PTC Parametric, efficiency is measured in terms of 4X while detailing over modeling. Someone at PTC missed that memo while they were counting mouse clicks.

I suggest we gather these very reasonable enhancement requests and submit them to the detailing Technical Committee.

I will reserve judgement on how effective the Detailing Technical Committee is until I work with them for the next year. I hope the TC is an effective, efficient means communicate reasonable, well-founded user supported enhancement requests to PTC developers.

But, of course we're only going to be as good as the suggestions we get. So why not start gathering up those suggestions now? I realize this is supposed to be the realm of PTC/User... but there's no mechanism on their site for capture these enhancement requests.

I'll choke back the urge to pontificate more on this topic. For now, suffice to say I'm interested in capturing as many logical, reasonable, justifiable detailing enhancements as possible and working within the proper channels to bring them to PTC's developers at the Technical Committee meetings. I have every reason to believe this process will work as intended and I'm anxious to try.



Brian, I was told by TS that the -only- way us "average" users can get an enhancement request in is to post them in the "IDEAS" section. I have -yet- to hear back anything from -any- of the people that are notified when you submit an idea. I know they are email'd, because each time I get an email telling me that they are on vacation for the next month or so.

<<snip personal opinions>>

Hmm... seems like a time to take this discussion to email.

For what it's worth, I've created a product idea here:

Also, the automatic email I recieved stated that the person who recieves these notifications would be returning on Monday.


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Allow use of a center-radius circle instead of a spline when creating detail views.

You have to go to browse history under the link button.

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