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Can any one say -
We know that as BOM gets updated, the baloons are also updated.
But how aBOM baloon number can be linked with any note, such that when the BOM gets updated the Baloon number in the note also get updated ?
Say for example:
Serial no. in BOM is 2
Baloon No is also 2
what will be in Note say: <u>Item No 2</u> ( ' 2 ' needs to be updated as the BOM tabel gets updated)
I agree with Stefan
At some point in the design development, when things become somewhat stable we use the fix BOM index.
Verify that the notes refer to the correct items, and from that point forward the current item numbers are locked. Any future changes to the assembly "Adding or Deleting items" does not effect the item numbers.
The notes will remain correct unless you delete one of the items that is referenced in a note, and in that case you would be updating that note anyway.
Dave McClinton
MCAD System Administrator
McKesson Automation
724 741 7760
We have asm's with all different serial no's ,but as soon as u update or add theindex no always becomes a problem
So we dont use the index repeat region we asign a specific parameter for our bom ballons
Setting up parameters in model environment and linking the parameter for example serial number in bom repeat region table for bom ballons solves this problem.Index is not the only parameter that can be used bom ballons.
Hope this helps
David Bristow(Cad/Cam Engineer)
Foundries Engineering Centre
Tell: 041-402 8904
Fax: 041-4524 400