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Enumeration Values in Weblink


Enumeration Values in Weblink

When You use Weblink for Creo, You often have to use enumeration values like "pfcModelType".

To get the current type of a current model, You run something like

oSession = pfcCreate("MpfcCOMGlobal").GetProESession();

model_type = oSession.CurrentModel.Type;

This give You a number, where 0 stands for an assemble, 1 for a part and so on.

You could use this in Your code to controll some actions, like

if (model_type == 0) {

     // do something with this assembly


if (model_type == 1) {

     // do something with this part


Using this particular numbers in Your code can have some downsides. Firstly You can mix up the numbers. For instance You want to do something with a drawing, but Your code waits for an assembly to occur. The code also is not that human readable. A second developer might not be that familiar with those numbers. And lastly, in a new version of Creo there would be a chance, that the number changes (0 = part, 1 = assembly).

So it is better practise to use enumerations values as described in the API description. Where MDL_ASSEMBLY stands for an assemble, MDL_PART for a part and so on.

But a code like this would not work and would cause an error:

if (model_type == MDL_ASSEMBLY) {

     // do something with this assembly


Because You would compare a number with an undefined object. It would also not be very helpful to pack MDL_ASSEMBLY in quotes.

To "convert" MDL_ASSEMBLY to a number, You have to run this to get the corresponding enumeration value:


So Your working code would look like this:

if (model_type == pfcCreate("pfcMaterialPropertyType").MDL_ASSEMBLY) {

     // do something with this assembly


if (model_type == pfcCreate("pfcMaterialPropertyType").MDL_PART) {

     // do something with this part


In general You can say that, if You want to get a certain enumeration value number, You have to run

var enumeration_value_number = pfcCreate(<<enumeration-type>>).<<enumeration-value>>;

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