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Export IBA's for Part in ESIResponse file


Export IBA's for Part in ESIResponse file

Hi All,

I am using ERP Connector to publish only Part data.

I want to include some IBA's of the Parts in the ESIReponse XML that gets generated.

I did the following:

1. Modified the to include the IBA attributes

2. Changed the task xml used for "Query Part Task" to query the IBA's in addition to normal attributes.

But still I don't get the IBA's in ESIResponse XML.

Do I need to change GetPart.xml also ? How can I change it ?



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I guess I found the solution for the problem.

Need to edit the Example1.xsd in examples directory

for the IBA Attributes so that they get exported successfully.

Still, one minor issue: For Numberic attributes values are exported 2 times, once with correct value

and the other time with some binary value. No idea how to prevent this.

Tried option like maxOccurs = "1" in one of the xml file but no luck.

Any idea on this would be helpful to make solution clean.



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