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One of my user came across a situation where when he is opening a part from assembly it is not displaying.
only planes and frame of part is appearing but base extrude model is not displaying.
Thanks in advance, If there is any option to display it or any setting missing out.
Did you test it on any other users computers? I'm assuming you can see the geometry in the assembly, correct?
It's possible to set the color of the part to be completely transparent and also set the color of the part in the assembly to be normal.
If you select a feature in the model tree of the part, does it highlight the geometry edges?
One thing to check might be the appearance. We had this happen and it turned out the appearance had been set to 100% transparent.
Your screen shot shows this is an instance of the model. Is there an issue with how the instance is defined?
Those icons look like surface extrusions, not solid ones. It is possible they are also on a layer because of some layer rule and have been blanked.