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Hi all,
(Creo Elements/Pro 5.0 M70 on XP64)
I have a pretty complicated assembly and I want to create some kind of assembly processes for specific
areas. I create a Simplified rep which I want to save it as an external assembly file. Then i get this message:
"Please confirm excluding missing components". If I click "yes" I get the assembly open in a new Pro/E
window, with some components missing.
I have tried to create a external simplified rep as it is mentioned in the help file
without any luck.
The funny is that when I select to open the assembly (step 5) from which I want to create the
simplified rep, I don't get the assembly open in a new window. Instead I get an empty assembly file.
Then I create the rep in the main assembly, followed the same steps, I choose in "step 5" to open a rep, I select the rep
and the I get the same empty assembly file.
Is this a bug or something?
Thank you!!!
1. | Click File ▶ New. The New dialog box opens. |
2. | Click Assembly and select Ext. Simp. Rep from the Sub-type list. |
3. | To use a different template clear the Use default template check box. |
4. | Enter a name for the external simplified representation or accept the default and click OK.
When you clear the Use default template check box the New File Options dialog box opens. Select a template and click OK. The Open dialog box opens. |
5. | Select a reference assembly and click one of the following:
The Enable On-Demand Updating option is available for a representation type other than the Master representation. |