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Willfire 3.0 M150 and Intralink 3.4
I have a large assembly (over 1000 parts) and some of the hardware are generics with many instances.
The problem is that one of the generics and its 30 instances always gets changed (marked modified) in my workspace as if there was a change when I save the top level assembly. So I have to update them beforechecking inmy other real modified objects.
This troublesome generic is a library item and is locked in a read only folder in Commonspace. Maybe I could change the generic to read only (under Edit).
What could be causing this behavior?
Maybe some references of the instances back to the assembly?
Any will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Ronnie Shand your generic/instance models have any part/feature relations that are also in the table? If so, they could be a potential source. The models are being modified because of a regeneration of either the generic or instance tosatify a feature, parameteror relation in the models. You'll need to do some testing to weed out the suspectfeature/parameter/relation. Create a new test generic/instance with absolutely no feature/parameter/relation dependencies and test to see ifyou have the same workspace indications of modifications when this is used in your assembly. If successful, make the needed adjustments within the production generic/instance model.