So I have this part, a cylinder that I would like to sweep two snap ring grooves into. I created a workplace that bisects the cylinder, I drew two 2d features the correct size and location where the grooves should be. I can't figure out exactly how to hold my balls to get the sweep remove feature to work. I did it once by accident and it worked great. There is only one part, and the WP selected correctly. I wanted to sweep around a face, I don't have a spine. (If I draw a line down the middle of the cylinder it tells me I have an open feature.) I select the face. What else? The preview doesn't go active. The WP is selected correctly, the part is selected correctly, what else? The only online help I can find is on helix remove, or using sweep to create a new part, not sweep remove.
Ok, an update. I was traying ot select a face that had a feature (hole) in it and that didn't work. Once I chose to sweep on the face, selected an edge adjacent to the face it worked as desired. Thanks for the 24 views, I guess I am cutting edge here.