I would like pre customize the hole table in 2d drawing. Is there a way to pre configure the hole table in drw environment?
I have to use every day the hole table in the picture but I have to configure it in the same way each time that I have to insert it.
Thank you in advance,
How are you keeping your hole table from regenerating back to the original table?
I am not familiar enough to make useful comments here, but I did use one the other day and could not get it behave.
Any reference I moved would jump back on a regen, and any changes to the table would revert back to the original.
I hope that you can create mapkey which records your manual steps.
Any news on the topic?
no news, of course.
I do not believe, that Hole Table functionality changes in close future.
Any news on the topic?
As far as I know, these tables and symbols are used to be defined or controled somewhere in the configuration files. I would like to change the titel of the table, coordinates name,...
I have been looking for the file wich should define the "Hole Table" , or maybe just de Standards values (instead of changing them in each computer).
Unfortunately I can´t find it, even after changing the Standard-values an look for the las changed file in my computer.
Does anyone know where the configuration-file ist?
Actually, I would like to customize the table a little more than I just mentioned, but let´s go step by step.
PS: We work with Creo 3.0 M150