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Is there a way to automatically edit drawing tables.
I have a whole lot of drawings that need changes made to their BOMs.
The BOMs are tables. The tables are dum, not intelligent, and right now we have to double click on each cell to modify the text.
I would like to update the BOMs based on information contained in an excel database.
In the example I attached all of the text in the Part Number and the Description columns would be changing.
It would be nice to know, but what I am currently doing, slowly, over time, is un-dumbing the BOM's. I am only a small way through it and it been six months. But I can see progress in that.
Thanks Dale. Undumbing the BOMs would be the best option but right now it does not seem like it would be worth the time. The products that these BOMs are for are old and may not be touched again for quite awhile.
You could use the VB API for Creo to do this.
From a VB.NET application you can
1. Connect to excel and extract data from cells
2. Connect to a Creo session
3. Connect to a specific or current drawing object
4. Find and connect to a table object
5. traverse through the cells of a table to set the contents of the cells based on what was found in the excel sheet
I made it sound really simple but it can be done.
you could use "Insert table from file" and select a CSV file that was output from excell. You may have to clean up the formatting of the table afterwards
Thanks for the help. This gives me hope.
I am using ProE Wildfire 4.0. Does VB API exist for this and does it have the same functionality?
I was able to export my table to a CSV file, then modify it in excel and save it as a CSV file again. The new file opened in ProE just fine.