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How to check in a shrinkwrap part without pulling its reference parts.


How to check in a shrinkwrap part without pulling its reference parts.

Hi Pros,

I'm having trouble with creating a "stand-alone" shrinkwrapped part. I can create the prt-file containing the shrinkwrap feature without problems. I deselect the DEPENDENCY check box, which I thought was sufficient for decoupling the shrinkwrapped part from its origin assembly. But still, when I try to chek in the shrinkwrap part, I am prompted to check in the "parent" parts as well.

Please help. 😃

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I got the solution by email from Matthias Stüber:

"Here are two options how I handled this in the past:

1a. right-click on sw-part in model tree

1b. Info, Reference-Viewer

1c. Switch radio-button from "references" to "dependencies"

1d. right-click on link between sw-part to parent and choose "break dependencies" (deselected DEPENDENCY check box is prerequisite for this to work)

2a. Add "independent geometry" feature to sw-model (in insert-menu, part-mode)

2b. move independent geom feature above sw-feature

2c. Edit definition of independent geometry feature and "collapse" geometry of sw-feature

Result in case 1 should be a broken reference that is stronger than just removing the dependent-check, in case 2 you have created an import-feature without importing anything."

Case 1 worked perfectly.

Cheers, Johann

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