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Is it possible to use section of a part file into a drawing file of assembly?
I am getting only cross sections defined into assembly file for a view present into drawing. How to get section of part file into below list:
Thanks and Regards
If you bring that part into the drawing, you can show it as a cross section by itself, but if you only have the assembly file, it will show a cross section of the assembly. You may be able to "hide" some of the parts in the drawing.
You can't use part sections in your assembly BUT you can make a section in your assembly and EXCLUDE all the other parts of the assembly so only the part you are interested in seeing section is sectioned.
1. create the section in the assembly
2. create a drawing view in the orientation so show the section and add the section to that view. complete the view dialog
3. In the annotate tab, double click on the x-hatch to get the x-hatch properities menu manager to pop up.
4. Use the EXCLUDE option and NEXT on each part cut by the x-section except don't exclude the part you want to see cut.
5. hit done on the menu manager and regen the view. it never updates fully until you regen the view.
The other suggestions are as good as possible.
One reason that sections apply only for the part or assembly it is defined in is that otherwise there could be multiple sections with the same name in higher level assemblies. Another reason is that if multiple identical parts were assembled, then there would be competing sections of the same name from the same source. The last reason I can think of is that the section has to be evaluated for the items it intersects and the part doesn't have a link into the assembly structure to create that intersection, especially if there were multiple identical parts in an assembly where a part section might intersect another assembly duplicate of itself.
The simplest solution is what is mentioned by Dale to add part to the drawing and show its section there.
IF this is not feasible for you, then try to create a simplified rep showing only the part that you are interested in and exclude all the other parts.
Then this Rep can be used in the drawing with the section showing only the part you are interested.