Using Wildfire 4
I imported a STEP model into Pro/E and it did not form an enclosed volume. If I switch to wireframe mode, I see 1 yellow edge (all the rest of the wireframe edges are magenta). If I switch to shaded mode, the yellow edge is also visible and the surfaces on either side of the yellow edge are visible. If I zoom in, the yellow edge looks like 2 edges, and the second yellow edge doesn't appear to be connected to any surfaces. (screen shots attached)
I have gone through the Getting Started with Import Data Doctor tutorial, but I'm stumped how to fix this geometry. I started out with closing the gaps but the search tool doesn't find any, and I am unable to pick the yellow edges to manually define a gap. No idea where to proceed next.
<<idd.png>> <<idd2.png>>
Andrew Kelly, P.E. | Senior Engineer | Crane Aerospace & Electronics | +1 440 326 5555 | F: +1 440 284 1090
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