Hi,I creat a simple table in excel and outport as a csv format file,when I import it into the datatable of creo schematics,it prompts invalid file,error.
So,I change the charactor set to ASCⅡ or UNICODE,and change the delimiter to comma,space or semicolon,but it does not work.
So anything that I missed?
make sure first row is the header row, second row is the parameters name and each subsequent row specifies a dataset with respective parameter values, separated by commas.
for example :
header row: Type,Datatable
parameters name: Manufacturer,Rating,Speed
parameters value(DS1): Bosch,10,2500
parameters value(DS2): Siemens,10,3500
parameters value(DS3): Plessey,15,2500
delimiter should be comma,
if it still does not work, if you will provide sample of your CSV content it will be easier to help you.
Additonal info can be found in help center topic : About the CSV File Format
Thanks,Gaby,I should look for more in help center.