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Inserting an AutoCad DWG. in a Pro-E drawing


Inserting an AutoCad DWG. in a Pro-E drawing

I would like to insert an AutoCadDWG. in aPro-E drawing. I'vetried going to insert, Object, AutoCad Drawing, but nothing appeared. I must be missing something. Does anyone have asuggestion?
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In WF4

With the Proe drawing open / drag and drop the Autocad file into your
Proe window

Proe will ask to Append or Create New / Select Append

Now answer some questions in the GUI that pops up about Model space (I
use Layout)

Do you want it to scale to your existing drawing / Generally I say NO /
Left Corner to screen origin (Yes for me anyway)

And presto your Autocad file is merged into your Proe drawing.

Mostly used Autocad release 14 and 2000 for imports, not sure how well
newer drawings work.

Insert Object is not really used to import items but rather to insert



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