In the olden times (a couple of months ago), when Intralink (3.4) was KING, I used to use duplicate as a tool for making my new next project from my old current project. I would simply start at the top level drawing and model and duplicate that. Later, I would duplicate sub-level components and I would use UPDATE PARENTS to keep my new top level assembly populated with the new sub-level components. My guiding principle was that if I started with the top level assembly (and drawing) I could always duplicate sub-components (and their drawings) and use UPDATE PARENTS and I could automagically keep my top level up-to-date.
In todays times, now that PDMLink (9.1) is KING, I am trying to us SAVE-AS as my tool to make my new project. I went about it using the same process. I started with the top assy and drawing and made my new top level assy and drawing. A few moments later, I tried to SAVE-AS a sub-level component and drawing but I can't update the parent because it is "modified locally".
Do I have to "check-in" every time I need to dupli....sorry...SAVE AS in PDMLink? Is there a problem with my process that I am just not seeing and I could just click a simple button and solve all my problems?
I am just having a hard time thinking that it is intended functionality that I can't modify something locally if it is already MODIFIED LOCALLY????
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