Any good training material (books, videos, individual expert training options etc)?
Question: I need to open a top level assembly and add parameters to all parts and assemblies in one go (Top assemly, sub assemblies and all parts)
I think modelcheck can do that...I am not 100% sure
Is there a better solution? (I saw NitroBOM demo videos...appears good, but I like click button solution than manual entry).
Thanks a lot!
As regards training, if you want to do it free, you can check That has a lot of modelcheck topics. If you want to pay and sit under an instructor, Boundary Systems has a Creo Admin Class that hits on that.
For what you want to do, yes Modelcheck can do that. If you run it interactively, you would have to pick on each part and pick the 'Add' button to add the parameters. If you want to do it automatically, you can generate a text file that contains a list of the file paths of the assembly and the parts, and configure Modelcheck to find the parameters, and add them if they dont exist, and then run MC in batch mode.