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Issue generating Tetrix motor


Issue generating Tetrix motor

Hi everyone! We have been having issues modeling the Tetrix motor (tetrix_739083_2012). Whenever we add it to an assembly, the part doesn't show up and we get a notice that the part failed to regenerate. We tried downloading the part again, but that did not help. Does anyone have any guidance on how to fix this problem? We are using the PTC Creo Parametric Educational Edition.

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Accepted Solutions


I was able to figure out the problem. The parts that make up the assembly were not in our directory, so once I put them in the part assembly appeared.

Thank you for your time,


View solution in original post



please upload Tetrix motor (tetrix_739083_2012). Use How to attach file when you Reply to a discussion. procedure.


Martin Hanák


I was able to figure out the problem. The parts that make up the assembly were not in our directory, so once I put them in the part assembly appeared.

Thank you for your time,


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