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I'm looking into a way of creating lightweight models of our machine assemblies.
I have looked at shrinkwraps however these tend to be very large files.
How do people manage large assembly models when it comes to layout drawings of plant etc?
if you want to view an assembly, only ... then you can open it in Creo, save it into PVZ format file and view it in Creo View Express.
Thats not the issue with viewing the files it's getting a line out drawing from a model say having 8-10 machines in the line.
This is where the issue is getting a 2D line drawing from a massive assembly, hence looking at ways to lighten the macine models to create easier line drawings
I've been creating a non-parametric shrink-wraps using the surface-subset method.
note: usually this is a shrinkwrap of a simplified rep of the machine model (that has the fasteners and insides removed). It is a manual process but I don't have to do this often as the released design will be suitable for layout purposes for a long time.
I use quality=10; remove small surfaces & fill all holes options.
The line drawing still takes minutes to load, but looks decent and it is way faster. I don't see the problem with file size.