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1. Take an assembly checked into Windchill with alpha names components but no drawings associated.
2. Check it out, save as new assembly with part number names on all components, make new detail drawings.(New in workspace only)
3. Can a merge be done to combine alpha name parts with new parts and associate to these new drawings?
Hi Frank,
I think I understand what you are looking to do. Do you want a new assembly? New sub components (all of some)? and the drawings to port over too?
If yes then its easy. Load in the workspace the assembly that you are copying and when you pull it in you want to bring in the associated drawings that you need for the new assemblies, sub-assemblies and components. As long as these are in your workspace then the associations will work.
Open the top level and save a copy, generate the new names for the components that you want to change in the assembly and you will generate the drawings automatically.
Try on something small first to make sure you see what's happening.
Hope this helps.
Thanks but actually its the other way around. In any case, I have done a test as you suggested and I see that it can work if I choose the correct references when prompted. They must be corresponding. I did notice that the drawing scale was screwed up though. Depending on how much rework will be needed to fix the drawings, it may be better to start from zero.
I don't understand what you mean it's the other way around. please tell me what you mean.
commonspace does not have drawings to check out, only models with alpha names. The new saved as parts have new drawings associated in the workspace, never checked in.
Ok. Appears that you have copied files to new assemblies etc and created new drawings for these. You now want to generate the drawings for the original model as it had no drawings, from the new drawings you have created. Is that correct?
Wow, good luck with that!
I take it that the project manager has had some kind of brainwave that you sort out the old versions documentation.
You could do it but you could seriously get things screwed up if you get it wrong. Do you want to try it?
Not sure yet. I will need to see what differences exist between the two sets of parts. If not many changes, I could revise the numbered parts manually to match. Associativity is a blessing and a curse.
I'm not sure if WC will allow this because I haven't specifically tried, but this might be possible as I have used a similar technique before.
Step 1 is the questionable step since WC may throw a fit at the naming conflicts from using the commonspace names as the new saved-as names. If it does have a problem with the names, then there is another workaround that will make this work.
Thank you very much. This sounds promising, I will try it.
If you run into the issue with the naming conflict, then there are 2 possible workarounds.
One requires a temporary rename of the commonspace objects prior to performing the save-as and is fairly pain free.
The other workaround is more difficult as it requires that the save-as use an intermediate name, that you export the drawings AND associated models, and that you perform renames on the locally stored models and drawings while disconnected from Windchill (ie. <NO SERVER> mode in Server Management).
I am sweating already. Thanks
Here is how I would accomplish what I think you are trying to do: