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Note annotations


Note annotations

OK, I guess I am just not getting this but I cannot seem to get a note annotation to show on my model. I have no problems with dimensions, surface finishes, geometric tolerancesand symbols. I must admit that I must be missing something simple.

I am on Creo Parametric 2.0 M050. I don't think my platform makes any difference but I am running Windows x64. 32 Gb memory with an Nvidia 2000 graphics card.

When I go to the note creation, I can follow all the prompts. When placing the note, I get a bit lost. I have a annotation plane, I see that my cursor is changed to a note symbol but when I pick I see in the model tree that the note is there. I see in the dialog that I canunplace the notebut I cannot see the note. I have tried both with and without attachments without any luck.

In the model tree, next to the note name, I see a symbol that looks like a suppressed feature once I finish the feature. Right click revels nothing of note worthy help.

I know I amjust missing something simple so I am hoping that this group will point out my logicerror inthe steps I am taking.

Ronald B. Grabau
ME Applications Engineer
HP - Roseville CA

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I know you're too smart to have a layer turned-off.

Got me stumped.

Joshua Houser

(have I talked to you about FIRST robotics yet?)

Pelco by Schneider Electric

Methods & Tools Sr. Engineer


Try setting the hidden config option Model_Note_Display to YES, Its set to
NO by default. I have no idea why it set like this.

Best Regards,

Jose M. Resendis
Mechanical & Optical Engineering Center (MOEC)
Raytheon - Space & Airborne Systems (SAS)
972-344-2555 office
972-979-5525 cell

"Great execution requires discipline"


See Bjarne Frandsen's response to my question back in June -

Check your for what is new in Creo 2 compared to your previuos
build that you had installed. I always do a spread sheet comparison of all
the config options between my production build and future build. I believe
you are looking for this:

display_annotations yes

Lance J Lie
Information Technology
SAS IT Info. Solutions App. Eng.
Space and Airborne Systems
Raytheon Company

+1 310.616.1551 (office)
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+1 310.647.0315 (fax)

2000 E. El Segundo Blvd.
El Segundo, CA 90245 USA

Raytheon Sustainability

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23-Emerald IV

One other nuance. If you're using Standard Hole Features, their notes will not show up (regardless of the 'Annotation Display' setting) unless you first "Show" them using the "Show Annotations" tool.

Tom U.

Thank you so much for the quick replies. The answer is to turn on the hidden configuration file option: model_note_display YES

Ronald B. Grabau
Roseville, CA

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