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when open one file of other cad system (like Cathia, SolidWork, ecc) Creo Parametric create a new file with extension (.creo) in the same folder of the original file.
I'd like to controll the option to create or not create, and the position of cration.
When you say the position of creation, do you mean file folder, the coordinate system of the created part, or something else?
i mean the file folder. For the moment CreoParametric create the file in the same folder of the original file.
What is your working directory set to? Are you opening the other file from the working directory and Creo is placing the creo file in the same folder?
Try setting the working directory to another folder where you want the creo file and then browser to the location of the other cad file and open it. See if that gives you what you want.
I make an examle:
i set folder "A" as working directory,the Cathia file is in folder "B" . If i hope the file from folrder "B", creo create the new file (.creo) in folder "B", even if the working directory is "A"