I can output a Step or Iges file from my ProE (sorry, Creo!) assembly no problems. If I import it back in it will produce separate files in an assembly.
Does anyone know any settings that will enable me to do it with stl? It seems I can only output a single file of the whole assembly in one solid lump, plus the cord height is very high, so that the resulting part is pretty crude anyway. It's a pain in the neck to have to open each part separately and export each to stl.
I don't know of any way to export the assy as separate STL's, plus, it's been a long time since I made one anyway. For about 1-1/2 years I worked at a place that had 2 SLA machines on premise, and one of my jobs (when I wasn't actually designing the parts), was to take customer files and get them ready for the machines. In my case, what I anted from the customer was STEP files, and some information on how critical the surface quality was, and if there were certain surfaces even more critical. Then, I would export the STL files myself, knowing what settings to tweak knowing this info, and how we planned to orient the part in regards to the Z axis of the machine for the "grow". I'd imagine that if you're sending this to a shop instead of growing the parts internally, that the shop would rather have the STEP (or similar) files so they can perform the same steps I mentioned.
Best of luck!