Ok, problem solved. Originally I added 2 parameters to the table in 2 different cells, one to sort by (whether it was an assembly, a fabricated part, a purchased component, bulk item, fastener, etc.), and another (asm.mbr.name) to force the BOM to have a separate row for each unique part since we don't use that in our BOM (don't ask...). I added them to cells that already had similar parameters in them and to keep from printing just made the text height extremely small. But, while not visible in Pro/E the PDF's still printed a dot there. I originally added them to the cells in the repeat region because I thought that you needed them there for the sort and just to force the separate rows. I found by experimentation that this is not true. I added the "asm.mbr.name" parameter to the sort list at the bottom (the other was already in there at the top of the list), and deleted the parameters from the cells themselves. Now, since those parameters are no longer in the repeat region itself, they can't print, but the sorting and separate row functionality still exist. Now, if we can only get the flexible part problem solved....