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Pattern Help


Pattern Help


Please see attached. I know this is an age old problem. Trying to get the pattern by curve to work.

1) I created an intersection between a plane and quilt

2) Create a sketch on same plane, use edge of intersection. (copy the same intersection curve)

3) Create a point on sketch (not intersection) with real distance from end.

4) Pattern point using curve with a 2mm distance.

As you can see pattern in not on curve. FRUSTRATING!

Why does this command needs a sketched curve? Does this work for a 3D curve? If so how, if it needs a sketched curve (2D)?

Using WF 4.0

Thanks for the help

Message was edited by: Greg Merz

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Just tried creating the point at the end of the curve, worked fine. But, this is not what I need. An offset of zero works also!


Another try. Create half the curve with point at end.. Pattern acts as if start jpoint is at the other end. ProE will not let me change the start point of my sketch, grayed out.

Here's what I've discovered. The curve to define direction, must be an internal sketch!

However, when I try to apply the "Turbo pattern" technique (see below) the copied surface falls off the curve. When I do a group pattern, pattern by curve works. This creates a problem in that you can't pattern in the other direction.

Anybody have any solution please chime in!

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