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Pro/Mechanica Lite...


Pro/Mechanica Lite...

Anyone find anything on the PTC website about Pro/Mechanica Lite that's
part of WF4 as of build M070? I watched an EAC webcast
nothing... ??? I would like to find a list of what it is and what it
can do so I can inform TPTB (the powers the be).

Paul Korenkiewicz
FEV , Inc.
4554 Glenmeade
Auburn Hills, MI, 48326-1766

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I was looking for the same kind of info, unsuccessfully,after seeing the following listed for an upgrade from Foundation to Foundation XE in a newsletter from Sequoia. I was curious about what APX was, as well as the functions included in Mechanica/Manufacturing/Manikin Light.


Upgrade from Pro/ENGINEER Foundation to Foundation XE and get the added functionality of:

Mechanism Design Extension (MDX)

Assembly Performance Extension (APX)

Design Animation (DAO)

Import Data Repair (IDDO)



Mechanica Light*

Manufacturing Light*

Manikin Light*

*Must be on Wildfire 4.0 MO70 or later

Very good questions. I am searching for the same answers. I would like to know what can and can't be done with the Lite version.

"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"

Hi Kent and Paul,
Hard to say for ADX as the flex3C licences we have includes most stuff.
New for WF4 M070 which we are just rolling out and for which we have just had WF2 to WF4 update training were the Mechanica Lite, Manikin Lite, and Manufacturing Lite. I did not realise that the basic foundation license did not have the Lite products. We only covered Mechanica Lite (structural) in the training so I will comment on that.

You get a subset of what Mechanica can do. The principal limitations are:
You can only analyse models with up to 100 surfaces. These are the outer surfaces of a solid part or assembly. You can use several tricks to make your parts with less surfaces. Sounds like a real limitation but you can do quite a bit and for its intended purpose of allowing comparative work it seems fine.You can only apply translational constraints (three degrees of freedom). Means you are really looking at limiting analysis to things like bending beams, clips and the like but not rotational things such as a bearing constraint. With thought you can still achieve quite a bit.I only saw a simple load applied but limitations were not mentioned so I hope there is freedom here.
The real plus is that it is now possible for every person to be able to do simple analysis work using the same interface as the full version and the Lite version has a Wizard to help with the steps (can also be available in full version by setting a config).

However just as true for this Lite version as is always true with any FEA is that you need to be very careful about the GIGO factor since you always get pretty picture results. Raises the possibly that users without much structural understanding can output nice but misleading reports. Caveat Emptor!

We already had one full Mechanica Licence so this new Lite functionality spreads the availability for us.

Regards, Brent Drysdale
Regards, Brent Drysdale
Mechanical Designer
Tait Electronics Ltd (
New Zealand
Ph. +64 3 358 1093

Kent Jorgensen wrote:
I was looking for the same kind of info, unsuccessfully,after seeing the following listed for an upgrade from Foundation to Foundation XE in a newsletter from Sequoia. I was curious about what APX was, as well as the functions included in Mechanica/Manufacturing/Manikin Light.

I opened a call, and got the attached PDF in response... Plus they
indicated that the solution is ONLY a single pass adaptive... THAT
bothers me... I'm also wondering just what the heck PTC has in mind
for this? Why "neuter" it so much? Are they trying to generate more
Mechanica sales? Or what? This is sort of like the Manikin Lite
"fiasco" (my word...)... Odd....

Paul Korenkiewicz
FEV , Inc.
4554 Glenmeade
Auburn Hills, MI, 48326-1766

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