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I have noticed that any time I assign a profile sequence to a round part that enters from the center axis of the part for each slice, the post does not assign a feedrate and the machine errors out due to the lack of a feed rate.
Anyone else have this issue? Is there a solution? I create an axis in the mfg assembly that is only a few thousandths from the part center to make this work and that I am afraid could be mistaken for the actual center at some point.
I took a quick look at a profile sequence and if I use approach axis and exit axis with no plunge feed set. it sets the approach feed to the cut feed but I do get a feed rate. if I set plunge feed it uses the plunge feed for the approach feed and the cut feed for the profile.
Sounds to me like there might be something going on with your post if you aren't getting at least a feed rate.
Not sure what you mean by found part either? Also not sure what version of software you are running but it works in Creo2.0 M100 for me at least.
We are at M080, it's been an issue we see from time to time for a while. What I meant to say was "round", not "found".
Here is the start of a working post:
Here is the start of a post that uses the center axis as the enter to and from in profiling:
Same sequence / parameters, but the first uses an axis I put in that is off center a bit.
I am wondering if they are 2 separate posts if there is a fil routine in the second post that might be interfering with the output that could be cutting off the end of the coded linethat isn't in the first post. The first move is positioning the cutter over the axis of the hole with a feed in your case.
With my post I don't turn my feed on until I am plunging into the hole. the first move is just positioning so I do it at rapid or G00 I also have an extra m code there but it doesn't bother anything so I haven't changed it.
Sorry I am not much help but I would look at the post and start by shutting off the fil routines one by one to see if the feed came back.
Hi Matt,
this is Gunter from PTC.
I wonder whether you have been able to locate the cause, following Steve's suggestion?
And if yes, whether you want to share your experience with us?
From working in Technical Support I know that "strange effects" in GPOST are very often caused by unexpected side-effects of FIL programming.
No, unfortunately I don't have the experience with modifying the post processor to feel comfortable with that sort of thing. I wish I did, there are some other tweaks I'd like to see - but I don't really know where to start with that right now.
Sorry I didn't follow up and explain how to modify the post for testing purposes.
I would first copy the post to a different named file other than the production post you are currently using and modify the fil and do the testing on the copied post.
To test the fil routines you can put $$ in to turn the fil lines to just text. I would do one section at a time and post a file to see if it fixes the problem.
Fil section before changing it to text or shutting it off
Fil section after changing to text or shutting it off
you can't hurt anything by doing it this way and you still have the original to fall back on. just make sure when you do a test of a cl file you use the modified post not the original.
Or you can simply delete the section for the test (same effect as commenting out the lines) and after the test copy the backup over again to undo it.