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Reference Balloon [How to set different Item Numbers]


Reference Balloon [How to set different Item Numbers]


One can change drawing properties option "reference_bom_balloon_text" which allows user to have different text for reference Balloon. Along with this, I would like to update item number inside this which seems impossible as rpt.index cannot be overwritten.

So, I would like to understand how one can change symbol being called when user clicks on Create Ref Balloons into drawing file.

Thanks in advance...



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The easiest way I have found to change the number of an item in the bill of materials is to re-order the items in the assembly. Easy enough as long as you do not have any dependencies among the components you want to move.

If you do a search engine inquiry with something like "Creo change order of items in bill of materials", you find that a possibility might be to use the

Table -> Repeat Region -> Fix Index

I've not used it but messages seem to indicate that this might be what you're looking for.

Thanks...sorry for not providing enough information.

My bom table item number are not matching with creo default item number(RPT.index) is having custom numbers and same I would like to use for reference BOM


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