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Rename a parameter?

5-Regular Member

Rename a parameter?

Anyone know of a way to rename a parameter? I have added it to a family table with lots of values and don't want to delete it.

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5-Regular Member

Never mind, I asked this a while ago:

The answer is no.


Just wondering if anyone has run Creo (or Wildfire) on Windows 8 yet.
Noticed that most new machines are now shipping with it and was just

Not really looking forward to yet another windows paradigm switch...


23-Emerald II

Not looking forward to Windows 8, either.
My son bought a new laptop last week with Win8 installed. He is thinking of rolling back to Win7.

Microsoft designed Win8 for tablets and phones. They should have left it there. Maybe some background features of Win8 could have been done in a Win8 professional and left the touchy things for Win8 mobile. Apple has 2 Os's. iOS for the tablets and phones and OSx for the laptops and desk MACs. Microsoft should have done the same thing! What you want on a hand held phone or tablet is different than how you work with a laptop or desk unit.

Thank you,

Ben H. Loosli

I am on the other end for this one. I am quite looking forward to Windows 8
as well as Office 365 update expected in January.

Tim McLellan
Mobius Innovation and Development, Inc.

I agree that the Win8 with the metro interface across all platforms
seems at first glance to be pretty dumb. Sure, you can go back to
windows 'classic' interface after first logging in, but these are some
maintence type things that have been made 'metro' only.

I would hope that MS has something up their sleeve for the technical
users to allow us to boot directly into 'classic' mode and go around the
metro interface (for more cost, of course...) Since it seems that
Windows desktop 'classic' seems to be running as a metro 'app', I will
bet it really screws with technical apps like CAD,CAM,CAE,Animation,...

We are due for new workstations next year. We may be moving to Win 8
and CREO2 (shudder!) at the same time.

Christopher F. Gosnell

FPD Company

124 Hidden Valley Road

McMurray, PA 15317

Maybe it is time to finally play around with Linux. for real.

Windows 8.... has anyone run Pro/e on a pad/phone yet? Note pads these days
are faster than my pro/e 2000i desktop. Just wondering when I can tilt my
screen to rotate the parts. I also was thinking I could shake the screen to
create exploded views/states.

windows 7 is probably here to stay like XP did. because I just don't see
the day where the mangers might approve new stations if they also have to
approve no bonuses so that we can upgrade pro/e and re-install everything
we ever use.

I'm a linux fan and I gotta say that linux/unix is the way to go. basically
everything is a piece of a puzzle. So pro/e will work (used-ta could, but
not no mo) on any version of linux so long as certain files not included in
the pro/e install are present. And freaking linux has like
3 completely different desktop looks and another thousand "looks" that are
not main stream yet. It has the rotating box thing and all sorts of crazy
animations that get updated every day almost to make them better. But pro/e
still works.

This may be what windows 8 is supposed to do to windows...Linux-ize it some
how to make it ready to the clouds.

That being said, I also see the death of the desktop pretty soon. no one
is innovating on the desktop. If they are, they are doing so as a test for
some mobile app. So that's a big question, what the heck are we supposed
to work on for CAD in the near future---5 years from now? If its in a pad,
who is buying that stuff for us? hardware/software/OS. well someone has got
to pay for it...

Linux fan here as well. The best thing about Unix/Linux is that you
'upgrade' at your pace.

No general 'SP' OS upgrades that does who-knows-what to your apps,

With Package Managers like APT, YUM, etc... dependency issues are pretty

Enlightenment fan here for a clean desktop, but KDE for day-to-day...

Christopher F. Gosnell

FPD Company

124 Hidden Valley Road

McMurray, PA 15317

Hi Alfonso.
Don't think it is possible to run Creo (ProE) yet but there is a PTC App
for iPad to run Creo View as a mobile App with shake and bake explode 🙂

Can anyone say Google Goggles and Nintendo Power Glove...? - Just sayin'...

Seriously, the desktop/hardware issue is an interesting comment. If (actually when) the consumer desktop market goes away and usage shrinks to engineering/technical applications only, where will the costs go? Through the roof? What are the alternatives. I'm sure some of you have read articles or attended seminars addressing this and it would be interesting to hear what the future might hold. It might help some of us sys-admins begin planning now for major changes down the road.

Chris Pipe<">mailto:->
Eng. Sys. Analyst

Hi Chris,
Mmmmm 3D virtualisation...

So as a greybeard I recall starting back in '95 with ProE at R14 which I
think was the first or near first version to run on Windows and that in
itself was a cost down driver for workstations. Even those early Windows
NT3.5 machines were very expensive they were not as much as the UNIX boxes
(remember silicon Graphics anyone?). For us those '94 workstations with
21" CRT were about 25k NZD (think 20k USD) whereas now we look at less than
5k NZD 4k USD) for a system of so much more power it is not even on the
same scale.

You correctly identify Technical use as relatively small I guess the answer
is still in Gaming as I don't see those moving from larger hardware anytime
soon since tablets are concerned with battery life not horsepower.


*Brent Drysdale*
*Senior Design Engineer*
Tait Communications

It's a common misconception that a new technology will totally replace
older technology. Old technology only disappears very rarely. TV did not
replace radio, E-mail did not replace regular mail, they co-exist. Even
telegrams can still be sent. PC's will be around for quite a while
longer, and CAD systems have pretty stable hardware demands (contrary to
gaming), so I don't think they will become more expensive.

Long term predictions are difficult, but I think tablets may well be
used as interface, with some cluster doing the hard work in the
background (or "cloud" if you prefer). Just as many people now have a
NAS at home, we may well all have some central processing core in our
home that does all the hard work for the tablets, TVs, phones, any other
hardware devices.

Oh and as much as I like Linux, I don't think it will ever go
mainstream, no matter how much Microsoft messes up Windows. There are
too many distributions, each with different GUI options, making it a
very confusing user experience. Mac OS would have a better chance, if it
weren't for Apple's preference for closed ecosystems. (Which is why they
will probably turn OS-X into something very iOS-like). Again, I predict
something more cloud-based will rule the market. Similar to Chrome OS.
But with an in-company cluster, so companies are not dependent on
external parties for their IT infrastructure.

We'll see how things develop. These are interesting times, that's for

Best regards,
Patrick Asselman

I Remember the "SGI's". Very nice for their day. $ Though. Are they still around?


Yes, they're still around!

I've got a bunch of old SGI'sin my office: an Origin 200 Server, an Octane,5 O2's and an Indigo2 at home.. They're all inactive except one that's still being used as a file server running Samba for our Model Shop. Since our IT dept. doesn't allow unpassworded accounts and Samba does, it's been used since we went to Active Directory 10-12 years ago.

As to why, it's a pain to log in to a passworded account on our old NT3.51 based CNC mill (and there's no storage space on the mill itself), so the O2 is used to store NC files from multiple machinists in a central location. It's been running for years.

From a power consumption perspective I suppose we could get a low power mini-PC and run Samba on Linux on it and save some electricity, but I couldn't bear to throw them out: we spent over $250,000 for all the SGI's (and a couple of nearly useless Sun Sparc 10's).. now they're boat anchors..

When we were still using them for other things, I ran WindowMaker ("NeXTStep" look-alike) as my desktop window manager and found it much better than SGI's 4D desktop. There was lots of useful open source software on SGI's freeware site and gcc ran pretty nicely on it for anything else you might have wanted to install.

I've told my colleagues that I'm going toclose my "SGI Museum" soon and they'll head to the recycling center. I could use the office space 🙂

Interesting to note that the only Mips R4400 based computer still actively being used around here is my son's old Nintendo N64 🙂


In Reply to Doug Pogatetz:

I Remember the "SGI's". Very nice for their day. $ Though. Are they still around?


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