Does anyone know why the ¤t_sheet parameter changes to &sheet_number?
I enter that current sheet into my drawing, a few minutes later when changing the properties / font size; I notice that it's switched.
Not a big deal - just wondering WHY ! Pro/E - 5.0 feels that it's necessary to do that?
Similar issue with the &todays_date parameter.
I notice that when I enter &todays_date into my drawing, it puts in the correct date in the first time, but then it's converted into a Dumb text that doesn't update. If I open this file on Monday the note will still read 05 Feb 2011 - as if I just typed that into the note rather than the date parameter.
Does anyone know what parameter I can use for today's date that will actually update each time the file is opened?
Thanks -
Also P.S.
- I really like the fact that we can now name our sheet tabs = &sheet_name
I don't know if that's new or not, I just found out about it recently.
But thanks PTC !! - that really helps for multi sheet drawings.
Tracy Willis
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