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I am looking for people to share examples of simplified rules that are in your start assemblies. Specifically I am thinking about default rules to help with large assembly management.
For instance we have one that excludes washers and fasteners. We have another one that checks Pro_MP_VOLUME and excludes components by size.
What other examples do people have of good simplified rep rules to put in start assemblies?
Your examples are cool. Large Assembly is relative....
If you have a 300 objects assembly with 2 levels than Simp Rep rules may be good. In our case, we have very large deep structure assemblies where all required objects are not existing in the client workspace. I haven't tested simp rep rules recently with the new software, but when we put a rule in place in our system, The software had to load / interogate each assembly in the structure to look for the objects based on the rule. We deleted the simp rep rule out of the start assembly as soon as we saw the performance issue. I have tested out simplifed rep rules in one of our small 300 object assemblies in Creo 2 M160 and it was not a performance hit, but all dependent objects were in the workspace.
We were looking at ways to create a simplfied rep of an assemlby based on file names. The UI in the simplfied rep rules area is very powerful.